Sunday, April 18, 2010


I've noticed a recent trend with some of the guys who have asked me for help in the past few weeks. When prompted to state what level they think they are, they say "intermediate". The problem with that is this: If you can't accurately place yourself skill wise, you're going to have trouble getting better.

This is more often than not an ego issue with guys. Look. Put that shit down. You don't need to impress anyone with your skill. That's useless. Thinking that way does more harm than good because you are deluding yourself. what you do need to do is be honest with yourself and where you are. With the right perspective you can figure out what you need to do to progress.

So what, then, constitutes "intermediate"? That's going to vary from guy to guy relative to his goals, and the formula is as follows: Intermediate = Your Goal/2. That means you need to be halfway to your goal. So basically what I'm saying is IF YOU'RE NOT HALF WAY TO YOUR GOAL YET, YOU ARE NOT INTERMEDIATE. There. I said it.

If your goal is fuck 1 new girl a week, and you fucked two girls last year, you're not intermediate.
If your goal is to get a serious girlfriend, and you're not going out on dates yet, you're not intermediate.
If your goal is to have 4 fuck-buddies, and you're not having sex at all, you're not intermediate.

I'm done trying to sound like the Jeff Foxworthy of the PU world.

If you really want to put a label on yourself, try Advanced Beginner. I guess that means you've got your basics down, you just aren't putting the pieces together.

~ Serendipitous

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