Monday, April 12, 2010


The decision to change my life was a relatively simple one and it only took half a second at a time.

Choice. Everything in life boils down to a choice. Everything. Perhaps on a level we aren't even aware of. Sometimes it's a single choice but more often it's a series of many choices.

A holding pattern develops when we aren't conscious of the choices we make on a moment to moment basis. We act in ways that don't benefit us and we develop ineffective behaviors and strategies, never realizing that somewhere in our process lies a place to decide something different. We continue acting the way we do and we never get anywhere in lives. We stay in a holding pattern.

Because we are thinking so fast, we act on our immediate thoughts and never question what we are doing or why we are doing it. We act and behave according to the choices we unconsciously make, never knowing we are in a holding pattern.

There's a way to change this though...

We change it by becoming conscious..

of our thoughts...

from moment...

to moment.

Can you see the perfect you? The person who would never do that behavior?

Can you feel what it's like to be that person? Are they confident and totally in control of their life?

What would that person say to you? What would they tell you to do?

We all know the wonderful things that happen when we accomplish something. Our mind begins to build the image of or new future and our lives begin to change in ways we couldn't have imagined. We build new neurological pathways inside our brain.

Realizing we have other options gives us choice and enables us to break free from our holding patterns. How often do you question your behavior? How often are you making the right choice?

So many times throughout the day little things happen that require us to make split-second decisions, ones that we are usually unconscious of. When one begins to slow their thinking down and really examine what they think and feel and why they think and feel it, they can then begin to take control of their life by choosing to think and feel something that is in line with their long term goals.

Here's an example. You see a woman on your lunch hour that you feel powerfully attracted to so you approach her. You open with "Hi, I'm ____, I saw you over here and I had to come talk to you." She replies with "Fuck off!" What's your immediate reaction? Do you feel angry? Are your feelings hurt? Do you judge her calling her a bitch? What is it you would do?

99 times out of 100, any reaction isn't going to serve your long term goals, where an action would. Someone who isn't in control of their destiny will react whereas someone who is in control of their destiny will act. What's the difference?

Most guys would allow their feelings to get hurt and would react in a defensive manner, probably calling her a bitch as they walked away. Those guys aren't in control of their lives and guess what? They lose out.

A man who is in charge of his life would act in a manner that would best serve his goal of approaching her in the first place. He might say something like: "I'm sorry to have bothered you, you are clearly upset about something. Would you like to talk about it? I was just about to get lunch, would you like to join me?"

Now that response isn't guaranteed to work, but it has a better chance of working than calling her a bitch and walking away, right?

You might be asking "How do I do that?". Here's a very simple 3-step process:

1. State your goal. "I want to get to know her."

2. Ask yourself: What action will best result in me getting what I want?

3. Act the way that will best lead you to what you want.

The worlds most successful people are masters of this process and what makes them successful is their ability to constantly and consistently choose their path through life. When one can master this skill, he becomes driven by his choice making alone.

It's not hard, it just takes practice. This is one of the easiest things to learn to do and one of the most effective strategies to producing the results that you want in your life.

Go out today and use this process 5 times. Use this process everyday for a week. Next week, use it ten times a day. Keep doing this until you choose everything you do, and everywhere you want to go in life.

One last note. I don't know if this process is true or not. I really don't. All I know is that it allows me to produce better results when I act as if it is true.

Now, go out and take control of your life!


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