Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Importance of Shit Tests

"Women test you because they want you to pass."

I think this applies to and is true in some situations, but with women you've just met I would say that they don't "want" you to pass their shit tests. The information they get if you fail is just as important to them than if you pass.

The major thing about tests is that it defines the opposites, the man from the woman. When you pass a test it creates that magnetism that both forces us apart and makes us want more. Sometimes this can be called breaking rapport, but it goes much deeper than that.

When a man complies instead of defies, he embraces the female energy.

When a man defies instead of complies, he embraces the male energy.


I saw a blonde on the street the other day and left where I was sitting to sarge her. I catch up to her and say:

Me: Hey, I saw you pass by and I had to come talk to you. Hi, I'm Serendipitous. [direct sincere]

Her: (smiles) Hi, I'm Girl.

Me: So what's your story? [direct qualifier]

Her: I don't have one. [shit test]

Me: Ah, don't give me that. Tell me something about yourself. [pass test, command her]

Her: Well I have a boyfriend. [shit test]

Me: Oh yeah? What's his name? [call her bluff]

Her: Um... (tries thinking of one) doesn't matter. (smiles coyly) [damn right it doesn't matter, she's caught bluffing, I pass the test]

Me: Ok, so what are doing right now? [command, angling for an instadate]

Her: I should really be walking alone. (smiling) [one last shit test]

Me: Oh, I like your hair, how'd you do that? [ignore test and change thread]

And off we went into a conversation that ended with her giving me her number.

3 shit tests right off the bat. Did she want me to pass at any given point? Probably not. She was testing to see if I was weak or if I was strong.

If at any point I failed the tests, she would have the most important information she needed at that moment about me, and that would be that I wasn't strong enough to take care of her. Since I passed her initial tests, she decided I was worthy enough to continue talking to, at least for the time being, and at least enough to give out her number.

But getting back to opposites. It's the yin and the yang, the north and the south magnetic, the opposite energy that allows us to be whole with the other gender, and allows us to be individuals at the same time.

When there isn't something for her to push back against, she realizes that you don't have what she's looking for, that she couldn't be whole with you. She needs your male energy because she's incomplete without it. Nice guys don't understand this and only try to comply with her, which pushes her away.

Take a strong hold of your male energy and embrace it. When women realize you can complete them, they'll want to be around you more.


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