Monday, July 5, 2010

LR: 15 Minutes & Little Game

LR: 15 Minutes - No game, only recognizing IOI's & pulling the trigger

I am posting this with some reluctance (I want to be clear, there were no super-powers involved here, simply recognizing the situation and figuring out logistics) but this is earth-shattering to my reality so therefore it is important in my development. On the train talking to Legend. Start talking to girl in front of me. Try getting back to Legend. Girl (21 y/o) keeps talking and invites me to smoke weed with her. Legend hangs up. I don't accept right away but I'm getting enough IOI's (invitation to hang out, body language attraction signals) that I think about logistics.

I remember there is a park close by which is well hidden from plain sight and I know I could close there. (This map will help.)

Walk there, building comfort (or rather, being cool & leading the situation). She pulls out her joint, lights it, passes it to me. I take a hit. (I guess this could be considered building rapport.) [For the record, I rarely ever get high. It makes me horny as a motherfucker and I tend to get socially retarded unless I am drinking alcohol.] She had already been drinking and is now getting high. I don't really get high but keep going.

I start kino, touching her hands, making like I'm reading her palms. She moves in closer. I look in her eyes, move in closer, pull her in as if to kiss... she closes her eyes, kiss. Umm, it's on. Kiss escalates to heavy petting. Grab a condom from my bag, close.

Sent her on her way to meet up with her friends. Swapped numbers with plans to meet up again this week. Will move her into FB status.

This required little more than recognizing she was ready to go and taking action. I didn't do anything other than that. But it blows my fucking mind how quick this happened.


This happened the other day but looking back on it, it's not that it required "no game". It required a little game, at the right moments and if I didn't know those things and have the ability to recognize them, or have the balls to pull the trigger, or the mindset to figure out logistics, this would not have happened.


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