The person who controls the level of abstraction controls the communication.
The most effective way to communicate to a woman is by getting her to use her imagination, but how do you actually do that? What's the system? How do you communicate using attractive language? In this article I'm going to give you an easy technique to put to immediate use. If that's something that would that be of value to you, keep reading.
My friend and fellow PUA l0ck was explaining his online techniques and since I suck at online game, I tried them. Fast forward to I'm messaging and IM-ing this one girl and she's really into me. As we were going back and forth I never gave her direct answers to her questions. This is important. because then everything she thinks, she will own. The thoughts become hers and hers alone.
Giving a girl specific answers to her questions builds a clear picture in her mind very quickly whereas giving her ambiguous answers activates her imagination and leaves her mind open and wondering about you. She builds the mystery in her mind and you become and enigma to her.
The technique I use to communicate like this is called The Hierarchy of Ideas. It's a very simple model which assists us in being able to move from levels of abstraction (existence, happiness) to levels of specificity (nuts, bolts).
How we move throughout The Hierarchy of Ideas is known as "chunking". There are 3 directions in which we can chunk. Up, down and laterally. Chunking up gives you the big picture, chunking down gives you details and chunking laterally gives us other examples on the same plane of thinking. Let me introduce you to the Hierarchy of Ideas and the concept of chunking. First we take a word and place it in the center of the model. Lets use the word "car". Study at this model for a minute.
We can chunk up by asking 3 questions:
What is this an example of?
For what purpose?
What is the intention?
Car, for what purpose? and the answer is transportation. Transportation, for what purpose? and the answer is movement. Movement for what purpose? and the answer is existence. "Existence" is a pretty high level of ABSTRACTION, and this is chunking UP.
We chunk down on car by asking :
What are examples of this?
What specifically?
Car, what's an example of this? and the answer would be Pontiac. What Pontiac specifically? and the answer is Grand Am. What specifically on the Grand Am? and the answer would be wheels. (asking what are examples of this now would not allow us to chunk down any more, it would only allow us to chunk over) What specifically on the wheels? and the answer would be wheel nuts.
Chunk laterally by chunking up one level and over. From car we chunk up to transportation and from there we ask for examples of it, planes, trains, buses, boats, etc.
Her: what kind of music was it?
Me!: the opposite of american "metal", which is depressing and angry.. it is positive, powerful, uplifting and inspiring.
Her: but loud and powerful like metal?
Her: so green day, do you like or dislike?
Me!: uh, much more powerful than green day.
Her: now I am curious
Her first question was looking for a specific answer, and I could have answered "power metal" but since that doesn't leave too much to the imagination, I used adjectives to describe it. Remaining vague leaves more for her to imagine. Then she uses Green Day as a specific example and again, I use an ambiguous adjective and it piques her curiosity.
Her: yes, the website? was that your favorite band or are you in a band?
Me!: I have many favorite bands. That was one of them.
I don't answer if I am in a band or not. I could easily start explaining that I was at one point but I'm not anymore and blah blah blah. Instead I leave it open by ignoring it and saying something vague about many bands and leave her wondering what the rest are.
Me!: I'm the kind of person that, when I like something, I like it all the way. Not halfway, or a quarter, but all the way.
Her: ok, but you still have an open mind to other things, right?
Me!: Some things I'm close minded too, if they don't suit me at all. Other things I can tolerate.
I don't give any specific answers here at all leaving her with how I think and not what I think about something specific.
When the mind organizes information it does so in a linear process. When the mind senses gaps in the line it tries to fill them in so it can understand. When there is nothing to fill the gaps, when you don't build bridges across the gaps, the person will do that on their own to try and make sense of the information you've given them. People become drawn to you when you are a mystery.
Her: ok, there is this mystery about you and I understand it's unique but I am dying to get to know you better
Me!: Well, I'll call you tomorrow and you'll get to know me a little bit better.
When you begin to communicate using the hierarchy, and you train yourself to think in abstract ways, you can think circles around people and attract anyone you want into your life.
Pick 10 words. Chunk up, down and laterally on them. Chunk up as high and as low as you can. If you need help, post a comment or response to this article and I'll do my best to help you.